
Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol Addiction services offered in Denver and Wheat Ridge, CO

Alcohol Addiction

Up to 17 million American adults struggle with alcohol use disorder or addiction. At Magnolia Medical Group’s offices in Denver and Wheat Ridge, Colorado, patients benefit from alcohol addiction treatment programs that help them gain freedom from alcoholism. Alcohol use disorders are complex illnesses that need specialized treatment for successful outcomes. Call your nearest Magnolia Medical Group office today or schedule a consultation online for compassionate support in overcoming alcohol addiction.

What is alcohol addiction?

Alcohol addiction (alcohol use disorder/AUD or alcoholism) causes constant alcohol cravings and physical and mental dependence that affects your family, social life, and ability to work.

Some people drink heavily without having an alcohol addiction. They might party hard and regularly drink excessively but can stop if they wish. People with alcohol addiction may consume less than heavy drinkers, but their lives revolve around their next drink.

They become anxious and irritable when they can’t drink, developing headaches and shaking hands if they go too long without alcohol. These symptoms indicate a physical and mental dependence on alcohol. If you attempt to stop drinking when addicted, you’ll likely suffer from withdrawal symptoms such as:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Widespread pain
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Trembling
  • Disorientation

People with severe alcohol addiction may experience paranoia and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there) during withdrawal. 

Understandably, dealing with these symptoms and coping with severe cravings makes quitting alcohol extremely challenging. But with support from the alcohol addiction experts at Magnolia Medical Group, you can achieve sobriety.

How do I succeed in quitting alcohol?

Overcoming alcohol addiction requires a comprehensive approach addressing both mental and physical aspects. The Magnolia Medical Group team specializes in treating alcohol addiction with new and conventional methods. They use medication-assisted treatment (MAT) as the basis, combining counseling with medication.

You might benefit from individual therapy to determine why alcohol has become such a problem. Group therapy sessions with highly trained addiction counselors allow you to talk to others with the same issues under expert supervision. Many people find support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous invaluable.

You learn to understand why you’re vulnerable to addiction and discover coping mechanisms that help you reduce and resist cravings. Some patients require more intensive outpatient treatment, including medications to help them through withdrawal.

What medications help me with alcohol addiction?

The primary medication for alcohol addiction is naltrexone. It doesn’t cure alcohol addiction — the condition is lifelong — but as part of a comprehensive MAT program, it reduces cravings and other withdrawal symptoms. Naltrexone binds to your body’s endorphin receptors, blocking alcohol’s effects so you don’t feel them.

Naltrexone is available as an intramuscular extended-release monthly injection (Vivitrol®). Daily low-dose naltrexone pills (Depade® and ReVia®) are also available for alcohol addiction.

Call Magnolia Medical Group to arrange an alcohol addiction assessment or book an appointment online today.